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by Carole Schwalm A garden ceramic figurine.

Oh, grow up!

If you have little space or if the spring thaw leaves you with ground too wet to plant, but you want to plant, (or any of lots of other reasons) look at vertical gardens.

A vertical garden is a living wall. It is environmental magic. According to NASA research, plants clean the air from chemical compounds in solvents, paints, cleaners within the home. A living wall acts as a biofilter, controlling dust, temperature and humidity. It cools your home in the summer and adds humidity in winter.

Outside the vertical garden can act as a privacy screen. It allows you to utilize space in a beautiful way that was previously unused. And, how pretty -- a wall with cascading plants! It is a whole new gardening dimension.
Stalks of a vine growing up a pole.
Your small yard now has an exclamation point. (Jeffry de Jong)

If you've ever used tomato cages, you aren't a stranger to vertical gardening. The difference is that rather than the plants growing up from the soil, the soil is a part of the process, no connection to the ground is necessary.

What do your vertical-growing plants need to thrive? Water, light and carbon dioxide. Plants need the proper space for roots to grow, and it is best to choose plants with smaller root systems. Explore the many varieties of succulents, like sedum, you'll be amazed.

You can also grow aloe, bromeliads, cacti, epiphytes, and ferns. You can grow herbs: Lemongrass; buy a stalk at local market, just trim the top and root it in water. Mint is a fast grower and you can buy seeds. Mint rather likes shade, but that means it can be under larger plants. Curry leaf likes sunlight and may need more water. Parsley, comes in seed but be patient with this one. Rosemary grows in compact spaces. Indian basil, likes moist conditions but works well.

Share your vertical gardening experience or if you'd like more information.