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A flower sitting with a group of dark rocks, bamboo, grass and the LawnZenGarden logo. A flower sitting with a group of dark rocks, bamboo, grass and the LawnZenGarden logo.

HOMELawn Care Articles

by Carole Schwalm Picture of a well manicured plant growing in a container on a back patio.

Yes, you can ‘landscape’ a small, container garden using the same principles applied to a larger space.

Start with focus or something that draws the eye. The focal point is the taller plant in the center of the container. The other plants complement the larger one. This creates the second point of landscaping, and that is balance. In this case the design is symmetrical or an equal amount of plantings on all sides.

Form is another landscaping technique: some plants grow tall. Some reach out horizontally and others will vine over the sides. Form segues into texture, and in this light that would be rounded leaves, pointed, varying colors, and the design should have lots of varieties.

Container-scaping has a bit of an extra called proportion. The proportion has to be right. You can’t put a big plant grouping in a container too small for it. The ongoing suggestion is: the height of the plant should not exceed 3x the height of the container. Also, the larger the container, the more you may want to choose plants with larger leaves to resonate with the pots.

Let your imagine go when it comes to unusual containers and colors of flowers, keeping in mind focus. Winter is the best time to envision spring and summer!

If combining several plants in one container, choose plants that need the same light, water and nutrient requirements.

Your container grouping, as in larger-space landscaping, can have a theme as in tropical or a cottage-type garden.

Share your experience with container landscaping or if you'd like more information.